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Personal injury lawyer

5 Reasons To Hire a Florida Personal Injury Lawyer

By Marc L. Shapiro, P.A. |

According to a 2023 study, about 127 personal injury cases are filed in Florida each year for every 100,000 residents. This gives the Sunshine State a personal injury case rate that is 1,237% higher than the average personal injury case rate in the entire U.S. This helps explain why there are so many Florida… Read More »

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Personal injury law firm

How a Florida Personal Injury Law Firm Can Maximize Your Settlement

By Marc L. Shapiro, P.A. |

It is difficult to predict how much a personal injury claim could be worth, as some claims are worth a few thousand dollars while others are worth millions. The amount of compensation you collect will depend on the circumstances surrounding your case. However, hiring the right Florida personal injury law firm plays a significant… Read More »

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Statute of limitations for wrongful death

Understanding the Statute of Limitations on Wrongful Death in Florida

By Marc L. Shapiro, P.A. |

Personal injury cases differ from wrongful death cases in that in personal injury cases, the injured is still living whereas wrongful death occurs when the injured dies as a result of their injury.  Who can file the lawsuit and the deadline to do so are also different.   Do you have a loved one who… Read More »

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Motorcycle accident

What To Do Immediately After a Fort Myers Motorcycle Accident

By Marc L. Shapiro, P.A. |

According to Florida’s latest Annual Traffic Crash Facts Report, more than 9,000 motorcycle accidents occur in the Sunshine State annually. This number increased by about 7% between 2021 and 2022. If you own a motorcycle in Florida, the chances of you being involved in a Fort Myers motorcycle accident are seemingly higher than ever…. Read More »

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Steps to take after a side impact collision

5 Steps To Take After a Side Impact Collision in Naples, Florida

By Marc L. Shapiro, P.A. |

Car accidents happen daily, including fender benders, rear-end crashes, and multi-vehicle collisions. While all accidents can be damaging, side impact collisions are particularly dangerous. Side impact collisions are responsible for a quarter of car occupant deaths in traffic accidents in the United States, making them deadlier than rear-impact crashes and rollovers. Commonly called T-bone… Read More »

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Vehicle vs pedestrian

Vehicle vs Pedestrian: What To Know in Fort Myers, Florida

By Marc L. Shapiro, P.A. |

When you’re involved in a car accident as a passenger or driver, your vehicle protects you with safety features like bumpers, seat belts, and airbags. When you’re involved in a car accident as a pedestrian, you have zero protection. That’s why vehicle vs pedestrian collisions are often catastrophic. In 2021, an estimated 60,577 pedestrians were… Read More »

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Traffic cameras

Do Traffic Cameras Record in Orlando, Florida?

By Marc L. Shapiro, P.A. |

After a car accident, the parties involved sometimes agree on what happened. Often, however, they have differing opinions about how the accident occurred and who caused it, leading to the common question: Do traffic cameras record in Orlando, Florida? If this describes your situation, you may seek objective evidence to support your claim. The… Read More »

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How long does an insurance company have to investigate a claim

How Long Does an Insurance Company Have To Investigate a Claim?

By Marc L. Shapiro, P.A. |

Filing an insurance claim can give you much-needed financial relief after an accident. Depending on your policy and the accident, insurers may cover medical bills, property damage, and a percentage of lost income. But if your accident claim takes longer than expected, you may wonder, “How long does an insurance company have to investigate a… Read More »

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Winning a personal injury lawsuit

5 Factors That Affect Your Chances of Winning a Personal Injury Lawsuit in Naples, FL

By Marc L. Shapiro, P.A. |

If your personal injury accident has left you with more expenses than your Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance policy limits can cover, you may have grounds to sue the negligent party. But before you proceed with a lawsuit, you’re probably wondering: What are the chances of winning a personal injury lawsuit? Is it worth… Read More »

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Golf carts dangerous

Are Golf Carts Dangerous in Naples, FL? 5 Safety Tips

By Marc L. Shapiro, P.A. |

Naples is a popular golfing destination for residents and tourists alike, and the city’s sprawling courses often require golf carts to travel from hole to hole. But are golf carts dangerous, and should you avoid using them? The answer can go either way.  Anything can be dangerous if you don’t understand how to use… Read More »

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    Earning Your Trust. Not all attorneys are created equal. Marc Shapiro is reputable, experienced, trustworthy and is committed to both his clients and employees. We want you to be so satisfied with our law firm that you will tell your friends, family and colleagues that “Marc Shapiro is my attorney.”

  • Communication & Keeping you Informed

    We embrace technology and “simplexity.” Our legal assistants, paralegals, and attorneys will guide you through the process and make sure you are informed. We are available via text, phone and email and will promptly respond to your inquiry within one business day.

  • A Strong Office Culture

    We believe in growing people. The Shapiro team lives by three principles: Integrity, Communication, and Transparency. We mentor and nurture all levels of staff from interns to executives. A happy office means better service and more productivity for you.

  • Employing A+ Employees

    We look for employees with empathy and problem-solving ability. Many of our legal assistants, paralegals, & attorneys are bilingual and some even multilingual. Our staff is diverse and we speak Spanish, French, & Creole. We want to speak your language.

  • Grassroots Initiative & Community Engagement

    If you aren’t giving back then what are you doing? After the birth of Marc’s child, his life was transformed because of his son’s special needs. Marc routinely gives back to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund, volunteers with Autism Speaks and Autism awareness groups and STARability in Naples, Florida.

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