What To Do Immediately After a Fort Myers Motorcycle Accident

According to Florida’s latest Annual Traffic Crash Facts Report, more than 9,000 motorcycle accidents occur in the Sunshine State annually. This number increased by about 7% between 2021 and 2022. If you own a motorcycle in Florida, the chances of you being involved in a Fort Myers motorcycle accident are seemingly higher than ever.
Would you know what to do next if you were ever in a motorcycle accident? Failing to take the right steps could limit your ability to file a motorcycle accident claim and collect compensation you can use to pay medical bills, future treatment, motorcycle repair costs, and other expenses.
Here is a comprehensive guide on what to do immediately after a motorcycle accident in Fort Myers.
Call the Police
The first thing you should do after a Fort Myers motorcycle accident is call the police. An officer will come to the scene of your motorcycle crash to launch a full investigation.
After investigating your motorcycle accident, the police agency at the scene will obtain the parties’ information and provide you with a Drivers’ Exchange. Later, they will prepare a full Crash Report documenting what happened. Secure a copy of a police report so you have it handy should you decide to file a personal injury claim, as this will serve as a key piece of evidence in your case.
If the police do not come to the scene of the accident, you should still file your own report so that there is record of the incident. However, these types of reports are less persuasive than one that a police agency drafted.
Seek Medical Attention
Even a relatively minor motorcycle accident is likely to result in you sustaining injuries. At the very least, you will have bumps, cuts and bruises, and usually motorcycle riders suffer significantly more serious injuries.
Whether you are seriously injured or not, seek medical attention after you call the police. A good personal injury lawyer will help you find medical providers for treatment who will know what kind of treatment (if any) you will need. Also, not all injuries are obvious immediately after the fact. Only a medical provider can determine whether and to what extent you are injured.
Gather Evidence
To pursue a claim for your motorcycle accident, you will need evidence showing someone else was to blame. For this reason, take photographs and videos while you are still on the scene of your Fort Myers motorcycle accident. If you have visible physical injuries, you should also take photographs of those.
Obtaining the contact information for the other driver(s) involved in your motorcycle accident and anyone who may have witnessed your crash is critical. The more evidence you can gather, the stronger your case will be when you file it through a motorcycle accident attorney. It could put you in a perfect position to collect the compensation you deserve.
Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer
When you reach this point, you might be tempted to call your motorcycle insurance company to tell them what happened. You might also think you should start filing an insurance claim.
Before you do either of these things, call a personal injury lawyer in Fort Myers for assistance. They can evaluate your case to tell you how strong it is. They can also advise you on who you should and should not speak to.
Picking up the pieces after a motorcycle accident can be incredibly stressful and cause physical and mental health complications. Let a trustworthy and experienced personal injury attorney help you work through them.
Need a Lawyer Following a Fort Myers Motorcycle Accident? Reach Out to Us
A Fort Myers motorcycle accident can turn your world upside down and leave you with a mountain of medical bills and other unexpected expenses. The Law Offices of Marc L. Shapiro, P.A., can provide you with an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer to navigate the personal injury claim process. Call us at 239-500-5000 or contact us online to connect with a reputable attorney from our law firm.