What is the most important thing for me to do after my injury?
For anyone who has been involved in a car accident, you know that the initial shock regarding the incident can take over and some confusion about what you should or should not do may set in. For someone who is injured in an accident, the shock and confusion may be compounded with pain and uncertainty about what to do after you are injured. This is perfectly understandable.
The most important thing for you to do, quite simply, is to recover from your injury. The law requires injured people to “mitigate their damages.” In other words, the law requires you to do that which is necessary to improve your physical condition and recover from your injury.
For you, this may mean some or all of the following steps:
- Do not miss appointments with your doctor. Stay in touch with your doctor and be certain to maintain your appointments. If you have to cancel, notify the doctor with as much notice as possible. The words “no show” on a doctor’s record sheet can be used against you at the time of settlement or trial.
- Attend physical therapy sessions as prescribed. Your physician or hospital may prescribe therapy to facilitate recovery from your injury. Such a procedure is often helpful in many types of injuries including strains, sprains and other so-called “soft tissue” injuries. If physical therapy is prescribed, be sure to keep appointments and participate actively in the process. Again, if you have to cancel an appointment, be sure to call, but try to avoid cancellation as much as possible.
To sum it up as to help you most easily remember what you should do if you are injured in an accident, the first thing you should take care of is yourself. Tend to your injury and seek the medical help you need in order to do that.
For more information, call The Law Offices of Marc L. Shapiro, P.A. at 239-649-8050 or contact us.